Crores of Hindu devotees gathered early Wednesday morning at Varanasi for the first holy dip of the Kashi Vishwanath Maha Snan 2025, marking a significant event in the ongoing Kumbh festival. The bathing took place at the revered ghats of the Ganga River, where pilgrims believe they can purify their souls. Leading the procession, the revered Naga Sadhus arrived early at dawn, chanting “Jai Bholenath” while riding elephants, playing conch shells, and carrying their sacred weapons.
Their chants reverberated through the ghats as they immersed themselves in the holy waters, which are said to cleanse the spirit. By the end of the day, approximately 3 crore people had taken part in the ritual. Different groups of saints followed in a specific order, with the Shankaracharya group leading, followed by the Sant Samaj and Nirmal Akhara.
This year, for the first time, more than 400 transgender sadhus participated in the holy event, with their group led by Rani Ma, a prominent transgender spiritual figure. “We bow to the holy Ganga and pray for the peace and prosperity of the nation,” Rani Ma said.
The event drew pilgrims from all over the world, and the authorities implemented advanced security measures, including drones and surveillance cameras, to ensure safety. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath shared his congratulations on social media, praising the event as a glorious celebration of India’s rich spiritual traditions.
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